In total 771 documents of 28 companies (24 warnings)
Company | Origin | Annual Closing Date | Number documents | Data range | Warnings* |
ams AG | AT | 31.12 | 34 | 2003-2019 | 0 |
Barry Callebaut AG | CH | 31.08 | 47 | 2001-2019 | 0 |
BB Biotech AG | CH | 31.12 | 31 | 2008-2019 | 0 |
Bucher Industries AG | CH | 31.12 | 42 | 2007-2019 | 0 |
Bâloise Holding AG | CH | 31.12 | 12 | 2014-2019 | 0 |
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG | CH | 31.12 | 34 | 2003-2019 | 0 |
Clariant AG | CH | 31.12 | 30 | 2016-2019 | 0 |
dormakaba Holding AG | CH | 30.06 | 23 | 1999-2019 | 0 |
Dufry AG | CH | 31.12 | 16 | 2010-2019 | 0 |
Ems-Chemie Holding AG | CH | 30.04 | 78 | 2006-2019 | 0 |
Flughafen Zürich AG | CH | 31.12 | 39 | 2000-2019 | 0 |
Georg Fischer AG | CH | 31.12 | 10 | 2014-2019 | 0 |
Helvetia Holding AG | CH | 31.12 | 23 | 2012-2019 | 17 |
Julius Bär Gruppe AG | CH | 31.12 | 9 | 2014-2019 | 7 |
Kühne + Nagel International AG | CH | 31.12 | 30 | 2004-2019 | 0 |
Logitech International S.A. | CH | 31.03 | 40 | 2001-2019 | 0 |
OC Oerlikon Corporation AG | CH | 31.12 | 28 | 2006-2019 | 0 |
Partners Group Holding AG | CH | 31.12 | 20 | 2006-2019 | 0 |
PSP Swiss Property AG | CH | 31.12 | 14 | 2013-2019 | 0 |
Schindler Holding AG | CH | 31.12 | 40 | 2000-2019 | 0 |
Sonova Holding AG | CH | 31.03 | 30 | 2004-2019 | 0 |
Straumann Holding AG | CH | 31.12 | 9 | 2011-2019 | 0 |
Sunrise Communications Group AG | CH | 31.12 | 15 | 2010-2019 | 0 |
Swiss Prime Site AG | CH | 31.12 | 21 | 2009-2019 | 0 |
TEMENOS AG | CH | 31.12 | 19 | 2001-2019 | 0 |
The Swatch Group AG | CH | 31.12 | 58 | 2004-2019 | 0 |
VAT Group AG | CH | 31.12 | 4 | 2016-2019 | 0 |
Vifor Pharma AG | CH | 31.12 | 15 | 2013-2019 | 0 |
Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr von Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.
All information is without guarantee of correctness and completeness.
Data and code available on Github
Warnings: Occur when documents are missing or not pdf files. Typically the reason is that the document was moved or that you need to approve a disclaimer in order to see it